Cement production materials analysis


Cement production materials analysis

Cement production includes raw material mixture preparation of a required composition, burning it to clinker, grinding it with gypsum and other additives.

X-ray analysis has been used for rapid elemental analysis of the cement production cycle for many years. The main requirement of the control system is determination of sample material chemical composition to provide the raw powder composition on the carrier. The analysis of the powder is run every thirty minutes, cement and clinker analysis - once per hour, hot powder analysis - every 1-2 hours.

X-ray fluorescence method provides stability of operation at each stage on production cycle due to express element analysis:
- raw materials analysis from mixing to permanent control of the mixture feed;
- clinker for furnace operation control;
- cement at the final stage of mixing before sending to commercial consumers.

There are two types of sample preparation: grinding and pressing or fusion with borate flux.


"SPECTROSCAN MAKC-GVM" WDXRF spectrometer determines elements from Na (Sodium) to U (Uranium) in solids, liquids or powders, in solutions and thin films, deposits on filters. 

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