Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni and W determination in high alloy chromium-nickel steel sampled with abrasive paper

Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni and W determination in high alloy chromium-nickel steel sampled with abrasive paper

The test method specifies mass content determination of Ti (Titanium), V (Vanadium), Cr (Chromium), Mn (Manganese), Fe (Iron), Ni (Nickel) and W (Tungsten) in high alloy chromium-nickel steel sampled on abrasion paper by X-Ray fluorescence method with "SPECTROSCAN MAKC-G" spectrometer.
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The test method may be applied while steel mark identification when specific features of the examined object do not permit to have a standard XRF sample (large details, unique article, scrap, etc).
Rubbing the sample material with abrasion paper is used for sampling, fundamental parameters method is used for analysis.
The object surface shall be cleaned from dirt and lubricants before sampling with abrasion paper.
A circle 40 mm diameter is cut from the abrasion paper. The object is rubbed with this circle (20-30 times moving with pressing). The obtained sample is put into the sample holder and analyzed in a spectrometer.
The abrasion paper usually includes some elements of interest, so first a clean abrasion paper shall be measured, and the result shall be subtracted from the sample measurement.
Dependent on the purpose of analysis the test method provides determination of one or several elements.
The specified concentration range for element determination in carbon steel is given in the table:

ElementElement concentration range, %
Ti0,30 – 2,0
V0,10 – 0,25
Cr5,0 – 25
Mn0,20 – 5,0
Fe50 – 80
Ni5,0 – 45
W0,30 – 5,0

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