V, Bi, Fe, Co, Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cr, Zn determination in the air of operational zone

V, Bi, Fe, Co, Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cr, Zn determination in the air of operational zone

The test method specifies determination of metal ions mass content in the air of operational zone by XRFA after concentrating with filters.
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Air sampling is with Aspiration through filter which collects aerosol and solid particles.
The test method is applied for the conditions of electrolytic Zink, Nickel, Cadmium  production, galvanic surfacing, manganese dioxide hydro chemical production, while nickel and cadmium power sources production (electrical accumulator, electrical batteries), while exploitation of this power sources at phone stations, while welding. Due to selective fluorescence excitation of the elements of interest other elements do not interfere their determination. 
Filters are delivered to the sampling place in paper cassette. When aspirators are installed and filter cartridge are connected to them, filters are taken out of the paper cassettes and placed in the cartridges.
Air sampling is fulfilled according to aspirator operation instruction, sampling conditions for ½ maximum permitted value of the determined elements  are listed in the table 1.
Table 1
Sampling conditions
ElementAir discharge, dm3/minAir volume, dm3
2Copper, dichromium trioxide (II Chromium)
3Zink oxide, divanadium penthooxide, Bismuth
4Manganese (disintegration aerosol)
5Manganese in welding aerosol at Mn content up to 20%
6Manganese in welding aerosol at Mn content from 20% to 30%
8Cobalt, nickel, manganese (aerosol of condensation)
9Chromium (VI) trioxide4005200

The sample filter is fixed in the filter holder. If the filter is large then it is cut in parts in transverse directions and the parts are analyzed separately. The filter holder is placed in spectrometer and analysis is run automatically according to the chosen program.
The filter shall be measured in 4 transverse positions. Arithmetic average of the four measurement results after subtraction of the blank sample is taken as the final result for each element. Blank sample is the result of 3-5 measurements of the clean filters of the same lot of filters used for sampling.
Concentration range, mg/m3
0,02 – 5,0
0,02 – 5,0
0,02 – 5,0
0,02 – 5,0
0,02 – 5,0
0,02 – 5,0
Vanadium0,02 – 5,0
Bismuth0,02 – 5,0

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